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SXF ✈ TFN πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡ ✈ DSS πŸ–πŸŽ’


Personal recommendation for an interesting talk today: @cbeams will introduce you to the decentralized exchange platform Bisq. 6pm on the Chaos West stage in the assembly hall:


I guess getting a new Hetzner box provisioned might take a bit longer during ...


They could've just renamed this ICE to "Wau Holland" for today.


While fake Satoshi and his band of charlatans are doing basically nothing but publicly insulting people, real cypherpunks keep writing code.


Thoughts on a Linux distro for my mom (60 yo)? Elementary OS maybe?


Planning to tackle Pico de las Nieves tomorrow morning, and I'm both looking forward to it and slightly scared. It's going to be windy, and headwinds can batter you incredibly hard in the middle of the Atlantic. Anyway, wish me luck!


TIL: "Smart contracts for RSK are written using Solidity [...] and are fully compatible with Ethereum Smart Contracts, so you can migrate your existing Ethereum Smart Contract to RSK Smart without doing any changes."


Glad to see Thunderbird (my email client of choice) is alive and well:


Interesting perspective on the "but bitcoin was supposed to be p2p cash" argument: cash is actually a bearer instrument with direct p2p settlement (not going through any validators like banks etc.). Kind of like handing around a signed transaction, e.g. in Lightning Network.


If you personally run, work at, or know people at a registered non-profit organization, please direct them here to apply for some free magic Internet money:


You know what's NOT good for teaching people the joys of net neutrality and proper Internet flat rates? Writing a whole blog post on Twitter, instead of your own website.

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