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Nihilist: someone who doesn't like A gates at TXL.


Does anyone know what office I can talk to, if we want to give a non-EU citizen a student job for a semester in Berlin?



It boggles my mind that some people are very much into technological decentralization, but think that political centralization is just fine.


This is big! Firefox introduces contextual identities for using multiple accounts in the same browser window:


"In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians":


I can highly recommend betting on football games during tournaments, as a strategy for caring about what's happening and partaking in it.


Looks like DHL Germany is currently in football-induced all-shipments-delayed mode.


GitHub Pages finally officially supports HTTPS for *, but not for your own domain. We got you covered:


Typosquatting programming language package managers:


With VirtualBox having degraded to an utter piece of s*** for me, I adjusted 5apps' Vagrant setup to work with the Docker provider. SO FAST.


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