Because Bordeaux.
Fixed Royal Mail's 500-year anniversary page header with help from @gregkare: https://
"I don't always lose law suits, but when I do I write an opinion piece about how every human on Earth lost as well": http://
Utterly amazing video of the latest @SpaceX first-stage landing: https://
When your office manager is cheaping out on dishwasher detergent: https://
"Blue Feed, Red Feed; See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by Side": http://
"Chrome OS overtook Mac OS in the US in terms of shipments for the first time": http://
"For the love of god, keep adding homes." https://
The first http://
German word of the day for @gregkare: Spargelzeit. http://
"DNA from humans, rats and other animals found in some veggie burgers": http://