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Trying to order a part for a ThinkPad in 2015: Kafka didn't see that one coming.


Hope to see you at Chaos Camp in August. @5apps, @hackerbeach, @KosmosHQ et al will all be at the Oblivion Bar. Drop by and say hi!


Earth View

A collection of the most beautiful and striking landscapes found in Google Earth


"Let's ship more weapons to that monarchy, which is torturing and beheading people for 'moral' reasons."


"South Korea's e-commerce and banking systems are currently required to authenticate users with Microsoft's ActiveX technology".


Did Google just SEO-troll Apple really hard? In any case, great Street View stunt:


Las Palmas just re-entered the Primera División. Quiet Sunday hacknight is over I guess.


Replied to a post on :

Yes: Meet us at the Oblivion Bar.


Finally set up FB syndication on and it works like a charm. Thanks, @withknown and!


Known-to-Facebook test, one two. (If you like this post, your name might end up on


"Reverse Voltaires" is my new favorite term for self-righteous, conformist bullies:


That time when you and another person simultaneously work on an app that syncs, both using the same test account, wondering wtf is going on.


Also: 45 minutes spent on phone calls with bank employees, because otherwise the money wouldn't even have come back by itself.


That is: 56 EUR less on my account than before, after the banks doing their thing without any unlawful activity involved. Good job, finance!


So, including all transaction fees and currency conversions, that intermediary bank blocking my transfer to the BTC exchange cost me 56 EUR.


Let's Encrypt Launch Schedule: (General availability week of Sep 14)


Pretty sure I found the cheese from Asterix in Corsica. So vile, yet so delicious.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

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