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Satoshis (the smallest unit of ) just entered the Oxford English Dictionary:


The channel I opened from one of my nodes to General Bytes, who provide the POS terminals at , is already completely spent on my side. Forwarded ~80 payments for other visitors. Time to test some re-balancing plugins.


Pro tip for visitors: you can open a channel directly to the point-of-sale system's node. The ATMs offer an "open channel" button, where you can find the node address.


Pretty neat: WebAuthn now works nicely with a Yubikey in Firefox, on both on my Linux desktop as well as Android device (via NFC). Also works well with fingerprint on Android.


Great news for people stuck on macOS, in need of a good feed reader: the rewrite of NetNewsWire (now FOSS) is almost done, and a beta is available today.


Are we OMEMO yet?


"The League of Entropy is a collaborative project between the founding members [...] to provide a verifiable, decentralized randomness beacon."


"Natural gas venting: How Bitcoin solved a 160 year old problem":


Finally confirmed my attendance of this weekend in Munich. Who else is coming?


Someone created a new tool for deploying static sites to with minimal effort, and it looks pretty great:


"While exciting results get headlines, itโ€™s the boring results that often do the most to add to our knowledge of the world."

Enter the "Series of Unsurprising Results in Economics (SURE)" journal:


What's the best jurisdiction, in your opinion, for hosting physical servers in regards to and ?


Looked into deploying our smart contracts to RSK in the last view days. Setting up a node, wading through docs, using RBTC from MetaMask, etc.. So far, everything seems to be 100% compatible with Ethereum, short of some RPC limitation details (which wouldn't affect us).


I've been trying for more than a month to get a Twitter developer account, in order to create a new OAuth app for Data Transfer Project's software. Replies take weeks, and I still don't have access. So I must assume that is just show.


Added a privacy policy to one of my apps. There wasn't much to write:


Changing your GitHub username: how painful is it on a scale from 1 to 10? (Account is from 2008, almost daily activity in many different repos and projects.)


I didn't know the Raspberry Pi ran a closed-source core OS under Linux. This, and other issues with it, are explained in this post:


Travel update: landed in Phnom Penh yesterday, and staying for a few weeks. Been enjoying it a lot so far; especially the food. Hadn't realized just how much I missed Thai basil.


"DART will be the first demonstration of the kinetic impact technique to change the motion of an asteroid in space."

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