Do you really have to plaster blog posts for big OSS projects with Apple emojis? This is what other people see: https://
Seems like anyone can make their app an "official" Twitter client now: https://
Colombia just won my personal Convenience Food Award of Excellence™: https://
Looks like there's hope for Microsoft AI after all: https://
*reads article* → *sees ad-blocker blocker blocking the site* → https://
Apple finally started working on WebRTC for WebKit apparently: https://
Hacker rigs elections throughout Latin America for a decade, gets caught in Colombia in 2014, tells his story now: http://
Still find EVE Online to be the most fascinating MMO game/simulation/experiment: http://
More info and links regarding the Newcastle type-2 diabetes reversal: http://
Apparently, researchers in Newcastle have found a way to completely *reverse* type 2 diabetes: http://
Dirty little secret: whenever I think of the next GoT season, I just fire up https://