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Tried to stop funding a project on Patreon. Couldn't find out how to do it. Am I blind?


Today in Enjoying-Mastodon-more-than-Twitter news: our instance has web push notifications now:


"We must be able to measure blockchain decentralization before we can improve it":




Apparently a snake bite ripped my rear tire yesterday. Only noticed it today. Must have happened while bouncing down that jeep trail in the forest. πŸ™„


Let's work on making our UX, APIs and ecosystem so good, that developers have *fun* working with it, and the next wave of incoming users will actually stay for good.


... Mostly, because every time I go back to birdsite for reading now, I'm rather offended by both the timeline sorting and all the ads. I just find it disgusting to have an advertising company control one of my personal communication mediums. And not because it's better, but because of the extreme potency of network effects in social media.


I'm a bit disappointed in all the good people who started posting on the Fediverse, but went back to posting to birdsite only for no apparent reason.


Feel free to explain to me how "moderate rebels" torturing infidels is better than concerts and swimming pools.


Finally almost on the road again. Tomorrow's next leg of my Germanland cycling tour:


If I told you my entire current airberlin episode, it would take ~20 posts. Going to a different city now, hoping to even arrive tonight.


"Delicious" Food

"Delicious" Food

There's a law in some parts of the US, which requires bars and taprooms to also offer a food menu with at least 5 different meals. This is how Chuck's Hop Shop solved it.


Great explanation of how SegWit changes block size:


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