CW: #cycling
Just realized that the UCI mountain bike (xco) world cup is happening around me in Stellenbosch this weekend. Already saw a national champ wizz past the coffee shop, and a BMC team van just pulled out of a parking lot on the other side.
Vodafone and Nokia are going to set up a mini 4G network on the moon next year, to facilitate communication between autonomous vehicles. And if things work out, we'll get an HD video live stream from the moon: https://
Good news for pair programming: GitHub now supports adding co-authors to Git commits. https://
Step 1: Create integration between two proprietary, closed-source platforms.
Step 2: Advertise "Open source, open platform" as a major benefit of your new integration.
Also TIL: Roscosmos delivered a pizza to the ISS once. And Russian kosmonauts used to pack heat on their space missions, so they could defend against wild animals in Siberia when they came back. https://
TIL: An Apollo 14 astronaut smuggled a makeshift golf club head to the Moon, mounted it on a sample-taking instrument and shot some balls up there. https://
Hey Microsoft: renaming Windows Hosted Apps to PWAs doesn't magically make them so. Having to use a proprietary tool to package the app in a proprietary format is the antithesis of open Web standards. https://
"I'm not sure how many people commute at 40 kph." "Depends on the traffic really." https://