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Just realized that the UCI mountain bike (xco) world cup is happening around me in Stellenbosch this weekend. Already saw a national champ wizz past the coffee shop, and a BMC team van just pulled out of a parking lot on the other side.


Fun fact: btcd mainnet + btcd testnet + lnd testnet + ltcd mainnet + bitcoind mainnet = 419 GB current disk usage.


Vodafone and Nokia are going to set up a mini 4G network on the moon next year, to facilitate communication between autonomous vehicles. And if things work out, we'll get an HD video live stream from the moon:


Good news for pair programming: GitHub now supports adding co-authors to Git commits. 👏


The spider app on my main phone is getting a bit out of hand. However, I can't seem to find a decent new phone that's explicitly supported by LineageOS. Any tips?


Step 1: Create integration between two proprietary, closed-source platforms.
Step 2: Advertise "Open source, open platform" as a major benefit of your new integration.


I just accidentally learned that "ember" is Hungarian for "human". I'm not sure that was a consideration when they renamed Amber.js to Ember.js in the very beginning, but it's certainly a fitting name.


Also TIL: Roscosmos delivered a pizza to the ISS once. And Russian kosmonauts used to pack heat on their space missions, so they could defend against wild animals in Siberia when they came back.


TIL: An Apollo 14 astronaut smuggled a makeshift golf club head to the Moon, mounted it on a sample-taking instrument and shot some balls up there.


Hey Microsoft: renaming Windows Hosted Apps to PWAs doesn't magically make them so. Having to use a proprietary tool to package the app in a proprietary format is the antithesis of open Web standards.


"I'm not sure how many people commute at 40 kph." "Depends on the traffic really."


I'll just leave this here for you:


An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍