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Thanks! It worked. :)


@peterlih Eat Performance. Bescheuerter Name, aber gutes Essen.


Btw, it's possible to sync Twitter replies to Known without using backlinks after all:


There's a new paleo restaurant around the corner from our Berlin office, and it serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. \o/


Apparently relies on links to original posts within messages, so Known's Twitter integration is not that great after all.





Location: Kalkscheune, Johannisstrasse 2, 10117 Berlin



This hotel in Düsseldorf is doing it right.

This hotel in Düsseldorf is doing it right.

Instead of not accepting credit cards at the bar at all, they're nice enough to explain to (international) visitors why it would be nice of them to keep costs down by using cash instead of credit cards.


Turning a ThinkPad into a full-fledged workstation with 2 external displays by just seating it in a dock is quite a nice experience.


Turns out Known's Twitter integration is ace. Goodbye, Silo!


Another test.


@hackerbeach Let's do it!


Setting up Known at . You might even see this on Twitter.


Privacy Policy

1 min read

I might store a cookie in your browser. I'll try to make it a fresh Coconut cookie. No personal data is logged or stored, but your likes and comments from other sites might appear on this one, too.




Checked into sipgate


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