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Lightning Network Resources

2 min read

I hosted a small session on the Bitcoin Lightning Network at Hacker Beach last night, and promised to share all the resources from it somewhere. Hence, here's a random list of things you can read to learn about Lightning Network, and also start using/testing it.

Understanding the protocol

* The original Lightning Network paper
* Slides from a Lightning Network talk at the SF Bitcoin Devs meetup (Feb 2015) -- Slightly outdated, but contains a lot of the basics (from the authors of the paper)
The Lightning RFCs / BOLTs -- This repo contains the various protocol specifications. Also, scroll down in the README for a nice short introduction section.
* Lightning network in depth, part 1: Payment channels
* Lightning network in depth, part 2: HTLC and payment routing
lightning-onion -- Repo containing the code for LND's onion routing. Also, check the README for a broad overview of what this means for the Lightning Network.


LND Developer Site -- Resources and documentation for the Lightning Network Daemon (LND)
c-lightning -- A Lightning Network implementation in C
Spark Wallet -- A GUI client for c-lighnting
eclair --
A scala implementation of the Lightning Network
eclair-mobile --
An Android wallet for the Lightning Network
Lightning Wallet for Android -- A fork of eclair with support for receiving payments (includes watchtowers)

 Stats and visualizations -- Lightning Network Search and Analysis Engine
* Bitcoin Visuals: Lightning Network statistics

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