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Looks like the journalists, who wrote the articles I was getting my information from, didn't do their job properly, and Lundgren actually *did* make a business out of selling counterfeit Windows copies, and then blatantly lie to everyone:


And no, the "he shouldn't have done it like this" excuse is invalid. The discs were never distributed or used in the first place. And it was 100% Microsoft's choice to hit this good-willed person with the might of their legal team, instead of asking them to do it differently.


If you use Microsoft software, or even work for them, you support a corporation which just had a man sent to prison for extending computers' lives using *valid Windows licenses*.


Giro d'Italia fun fact: they used to have a black jersey for the slowest rider, and riders actually competed for it "by hiding in bars, barns, and behind hedges, or even by puncturing their own wheels":


"The U.S. National Security Agency collected 534 million records of phone calls and text messages of Americans last year, more than triple gathered in 2016, a U.S. intelligence agency report released on Friday said."


It's already pretty amazing that you can daisy-chain two external displays via DisplayPort and it just works out of the box with Linux/X.Org/GNOME3. But they went the extra mile and you can even select audio output per display:


The grand tour cycling season is upon us, and this time we get to see a ton of sensor data for the first time ever. offers live data on their site, and here's the summary for today's first Giro d'Italia stage:


Oh my, what a GIMP release this is:


Considering doing the 100km round at Velothon Berlin. Anyone here did it before?


Go lang changed their logo, and now it looks like DHL:


I like how many developers are switching (back) to Linux these days. I remember when it went the other direction about 10-15 years ago, and every time you'd attend some tech event, you'd see more MacBooks than before.


Someone just pointed me to, and I'm sitting here wondering how on Earth there wouldn't be any metadata collected, when your messenger is based entirely on email. Am I missing something?


Just stumbled upon this great article, addressing all common criticism of Lightning Network:


Moving from the Tuscan countryside to Florence today. Staying in that gorgeous city for another week, before migrating back North.


See you at toorcamp!


Fun facts from our current provider evaluation at 5apps: Digital Ocean Spaces doesn't scale at all for our use case. Outright breaks sometimes, and responds with rate limiting errors at other times, when you hit it with not that many requests. With the same overnight test runs (backing up and restoring remoteStorage accounts using rs-backup), Exoscale Object Storage didn't even blink, and delivered rock-solid performance so far.


Anyone here used Exoscale's cloud in production for a while and want to share their experience in two words?


Learning some Italian today, by listening to Paris-Roubaix commentary on the geo-restricted local version of the Eurosport stream.


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