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Small square in the old town of Rostock, Germany.


Apple bans CCC video app from their tvOS:


"Native is the only way to deliver a great app experience", "the Web Platform is shit for apps", "I don't know what I'm talking about".


We now host 30+ apps for that client on 5apps Deploy and sync customer app data via 5apps Storage (using a private API for @remotestorage_).


The same code base drives the respective web apps (with different templates for desktop). Ratings on Play are the same. <3 Ember.


Our two biggest Cordova apps are standing at 4.5 stars (across all versions) on the App Store. And that's not even the upcoming redesign.


Check out this cool BTC-to-MPesa-via-Messenger hack my friend @Bumi made (incl. Nairobi vids):


German politics in one paragraph:


Got invitations for two birthday dinners plus a house party in Berlin, all on the same Saturday night that we're at an offsite out town. :(


Bitcoin's first production sidechain goes live:


Totally didn't see Clockwork Orange scenes coming in an Astérix movie. Well played.


Germany's health system is so excellent, that even in its largest city, you can't find a doctor who will talk to you on a Friday after 1pm.


"We are currently witnessing the gentrification of hacker culture."


"A hack stripped of anti-conventional intent is not a hack at all. It’s just a piece of business innovation."


Scott Adams: "I assume that most of my views are wrong, because they're different than they used to be."


What's you're favorite JS charting lib of the day?

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