Sending and receiving OMEMO-encrypted messages across Conversations and Pidgin now, thanks to Germán's research and experimental libpurple plugin: https://
"Today’s release completes Firefox’s transformation into a fully multi-process browser": https://
Every car should have a "courtesy horn". Or two. So much road rage is just stemming from missing means of communication. It's as if you were navigating a crowd on foot and instead of a friendly "excuse me" you could only ever shout angrily at everyone around you. https://
Success: In addition to clothing, I could even fit a sleeping bag in the main compartment of my 25L backpack for this trip. #nomadlife
... according to https://
Tonight at the Berlin XMPP Meetup: "Germán Márquez Mejía introduces the end-to-end encryption technology “OMEMO” and his implementation for libpurple."
Tomorrow Berlin will see the biggest bicycle demo ever. Here's where and when you can bring your wheels and join: http://