Someone just pointed me to https://
Just stumbled upon this great article, addressing all common criticism of Lightning Network: https://
Fun facts from our current provider evaluation at 5apps: Digital Ocean Spaces doesn't scale at all for our use case. Outright breaks sometimes, and responds with rate limiting errors at other times, when you hit it with not that many requests. With the same overnight test runs (backing up and restoring remoteStorage accounts using rs-backup), Exoscale Object Storage didn't even blink, and delivered rock-solid performance so far.
If you also happen to write Ember.js apps in Vim, I just stumbled upon this gem of a plugin: https://
Crypto anarchy in a nutshell:
"Technology doesnβt change what people want in the world, it just removes the use of violence to get there."
"We can either rail against the inevitable, or use these tools to build the world we want."
Turns out the operating system running on the new Nokia 8110 4G phones is a fork of FirefoxOS: https://
It also turns out that the company behind it appears to already be in violation of B2G's license (MPL) by currently not providing the source code.
If you'd like to see location tagging in Mastodon (e.g. I'd love to have it for my photo posts), plz give this issue a thumbs-up: https://
This is why I love Arch Linux:
Feb 23: IBM releases a great new open-source font called Plex.
Feb 26: https://