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Condor is announcing Deutsche Bahn trains as national connecting flights with flight numbers now. o_O


Apple’s Latest Innovation: Copying Spotify


The Chaos Camp interactive badge saga continues. After last camp's r0ket, this time you'll get to hack the rad1o:


Developing Firefox add-ons with jpm, auto-installation and add-on debugger is pretty convenient. Good job, Mozillians!


There are repos on GH, but no docs for what's what and how to run it yourself. Am I missing something or is it full-on proprietary now?


Somehow my memory told me that @travisci was open-source, but now I can't find any hint of that anywhere in the docs or on the sites?


Summary of my work life in 2015:


Regarding Tim Hunt: (TL;DR: "diversity committee" fights champion of diversity.)


Today: on Twitter.


Days later, still couldn't order that ThinkPad part. Should've documented this nightmare, because I don't even remember all the steps.


@evilhackerdude Glorious!


Trying to order a part for a ThinkPad in 2015: Kafka didn't see that one coming.


Hope to see you at Chaos Camp in August. @5apps, @hackerbeach, @KosmosHQ et al will all be at the Oblivion Bar. Drop by and say hi!


Earth View

A collection of the most beautiful and striking landscapes found in Google Earth


"Let's ship more weapons to that monarchy, which is torturing and beheading people for 'moral' reasons."


"South Korea's e-commerce and banking systems are currently required to authenticate users with Microsoft's ActiveX technology".


Did Google just SEO-troll Apple really hard? In any case, great Street View stunt:


Las Palmas just re-entered the Primera División. Quiet Sunday hacknight is over I guess.

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍